Tag: #deeplearning

#015 TF Implementing AlexNet in TensorFlow 2.0

Highlights: In this post we will show how to implement a fundamental Convolutional Neural Network \(AlexNet\) in TensorFlow 2.0. The AlexNet architecture is designed by Alex Krizhevsky and published with Ilya Sutskever and Geoffrey Hinton. It competed in the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge in 2012. Tutorial Overview: Review of the Theory Implementation in TensorFlow 2.0 1. Review of the Theory Real life Computer Vision problems requires big amount of quality data to be trained on. In the past, people…
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#014 TF Implementing LeNet-5 in TensorFlow 2.0

Highlights: In this post we will show how to implement a foundamental Convolutional Neural Network like \(LeNet-5\) in TensorFlow. The LeNet-5 architecture was invented by Yann LeCun in 1998 and was the first Convolutional Neural Network. Tutorial Overview: Theory recapitulation Implementation in TensorFlow 1. Theory recapitulation The goal of \(LeNet-5 \) was to recognize handwritten digits. So, it takes as an input \(32\times32\times1 \) image. It is a grayscale image, thus the number of channels is \(1 \).…
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#012 TF Transfer Learning in TensorFlow 2.0

Highlights: In this post we are going to show how to build a computer vision model without building it from scratch. The idea behind transfer learning is that a neural network that has been trained on a large dataset can apply its knowledge to a dataset that it has never seen before. That is, why it’s called a transfer learning; we transfer the learning of an existing model to a new dataset. Tutorial Overview: Introduction Transfer…
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#011 TF How to improve the model performance with Data Augmentation?

Highlights: In this post we will show the benefits of data augmentation techniques as a way to improve performance of a model. This method will be very beneficial when we do not have enough data at our disposal. Tutorial Overview: Training without data augmentation What is data augmentation? Training with data augmentation Visualization 1. Training without data augmentation A familiar question is “why should we use data augmentation?”. So, let’s see the answer. In order…
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Skydio – Impossible Video, Now Possible

Skydio is an autonomous drone technology company that designs and develops GPS enabled software to navigate drones. Location:Redwood City, California Launch date: 2014 Total funding received:  < $3.5M Specialties: Aviation & Aerospace What Skydio does? Since 2014, Skydio has established its company which specializes in artificial intelligence, robotics and computer vision. Not until 2018 they launched R1 which was considered as a breakthrough in autonomous drones for customers and as a platform for commercial development. Nowadays,…
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