
#028 PyTorch – Visualization of Convolutional Neural Networks in PyTorch

Highlights: In this post, we will talk about the importance of visualization and understanding of what our Convolutional Network sees and understands. In the end, we will write code for visualizing different layers and what are the key points or places that the Neural Network uses for prediction. Tutorial Overview: History Introduction Visualization with a Deconvnet Saliency and Occlusion  Visualization and understanding CNNs in PyTorch 1. History A bit of history about CNN’s, back in…
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#023 PyTorch – DeepLab v3+ for Semantic Segmentation in PyTorch

Highlights: The year 2017 was very fruitful for Google researchers working on semantic segmentation. Their proposed model called the DeepLab was significantly improved over several iterations. In their 4th paper, they present Version 3+ of the same model. In this blog post, we will study the theoretical novelties of this version that utilizes the model developed and popularized in Version 2. We will also see how they frame the first model as the decoder part…
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#022 PyTorch – DeepLab v2 Semantic Segmentation in PyTorch

Highlights: Semantic segmentation is an important subject in Computer Vision that enables a model to label specific regions of an image according to what’s being shown. DeepLab is a state-of-the-art model by Google with many versions making a family of algorithms used for semantic segmentation. In this tutorial post, we will introduce the DeepLab algorithm and specifically talk about the DeepLab v2 that introduced three famous advancements in the field of semantic segmentation. Towards the…
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#003 GANs – Autoencoder implemented with PyTorch

Highlights: In this post, we will talk about autoencoders. In particular, you will gain a deeper insight into the working mechanisms of autoencoders. They are important machine learning models for data compression, analysis, and data modeling. Moreover, we will present several autoencoder architectures and show how they can be implemented in PyTorch. So, let’s get started! Tutorial Overview: Introduction to Autoencoders Image Reconstruction in Autoencoders Autoencoder based on a Fully Connected Neural Network implemented in…
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# 020 Overview of Semantic Segmentation methods

Highlights: Hello and welcome back. In this post, we will see how we can use Neural Networks for the segmentation task. To be more precise, it will be about Semantic Segmentation. The goal of Semantic Segmentation is to label each pixel of an image with a corresponding class. We will cover some of the most popular Deep Learning models for segmentation: Fully Convolutional Neural Network SegNet U-Net Tutorial Overview: What is Semantic Segementation? Types of segmentations Fully Convolutional Neural…
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