Category: Other

FR 001 Face Recognition with Celebrities

Highlights: In the world today, there are a lot of visual data and it is important how we utilize and interpret this data. The project is more of an evolution between traditional algorithms and deep learning techniques. How accurately can we predict and find the correct name of the celebrity in a given image or video frame. Tutorial Overview: This post covers the following topics: What is a facial recognition system? Applications of face recognition.…
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#008 TF 2.0 An implementation of a Shallow Neural Network in tf.keras – digits dataset

In this post we will see how we can classify handwritten digits using shallow neural network implemented with tf.keras. Table of Contents: Load the digit dataset Implementing a Neural Network Visualization and Testing 1. Load the digits dataset First, let us import all necessary libraries. After imports, we can use imported module to load digits data. The load_digits() function will just download data and we need to split it into train and test sets. We can also…
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#K An implementation of a Shallow Neural Network in Keras – Spirals dataset

In this post we will see how we can classify a spirals dataset with a shallow neural network implemented in Keras. Let’s start by importing libraries that we will need in the our code. Here, we will make our dataset and divide it into training and testing set. Let’s now create a shallow neural network! Next, we will make predictions and plot the accuracy and loss function of our model. Now, we will make some…
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# K An implementation of a Shallow Neural Network in Keras – Moons dataset

In this post we will learn how to make classification of Moons dataset with a shallow neural network implemented in Keras. With the following code we are going to import all libraries that we will need. First, we will generate a random dataset, then we will split it into train and test set. We will also print dimensions of these datasets. With the following code we will make a shallow neural network. Our shallow neural…
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#K An implementation of a Shallow Neural Network in Keras – Circles dataset

In the next post we will learn how to perform classification using a shallow neural network on Moons dataset using Keras. More resources on the topic: Classification With Shallow Neural Network on Moons Dataset. A Simple Neural Network in Keras, PyImageSearch. Shallow Neural Network in Keras, Datahacker. Hand digit Recognizer in TensorFlow.