Category: Deep Learning

#001B Deep Learning, wait but why now?

Deep Learning, wait but why now? If the basic technical idea behind deep learning neural networks has been around for decades, why are they only now taking off? To answer this question, we plot a figure where on the x-axis we plot the amount of labelled data we have for a task, and on the y-axis, we plot the performance of our learning algorithm (accuracy). For example, we want to measure the accuracy of our…
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011 Deep L-layer Neural Network

#011 Deep L-layer Neural Network

Deep L-layer Neural Network In this post we will make a Neural Network overview. We will see what is the simplest representation of a Neural Network and how deep representation of a Neural Network looks like. You may have heard that the perceptron is the simplest version of a Neural Network. The perceptron is a one layer Neural Network with the \(step\) activation function . In the previous posts we have defined a Logistic Regression…
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#001A Introduction to Deep Learning

Introduction to Deep Learning as taught by ANDREW NG, DEEP LEARNING course  LECTURE NOTES Deep learning is a sub-field of machine learning that is rapidly rising and is driving a lot of developments that has already transformed traditional internet businesses like web search and advertising. In the past couple of years, deep learning has gotten good from reading X-ray images, to delivering personalized education, precision agriculture, and even to self-driving cars. Over the next decades,…
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