
#003 Autonomous Cars – journey through history

In the past couple of years autonomous driving has gone from science fiction fantasy to absolute certainty that will become reality in the near future. It seems like self-driving cars showed up overnight on the roads just a few years ago, but in fact the path to autonomous vehicles has been very, very long. Driverless dream started almost 100 years ago in the early 20th century. Beginning of driverless dream It didn’t take long after…
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002 Top 5 autonomous driving systems in the world

#002 Top 5 autonomous driving systems in the world

The concept of autonomous driving has been around for a very long time. Today, almost every car manufacturer produces some sort of self-driving car, but only a few of them are developing systems that in the future will do not need human drivers to take control to operate the vehicle. With more self-driving cars hitting the road every day, we’re taking a look at the 5 best autonomous driving systems in the world available today.…
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#001 Top 10 Self-driving cars in The World

The idea of jumping inside the car and letting it take over from there has been only a dream just 20 years ago. But if self-driving car technology continues to grow at its current rate, that scenario will soon become a reality.  The autonomous vehicle market will grow from $54.23 billion in 2019 to $556.67 billion in 2026. So, it is clear that time, when we will be able to sit back and tell our…
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CamCal 007 Camera Calibration

Digital Image Processing using OpenCV (Python & C++) Highlights: In this post, we will explain the main idea behind Camera Calibration. We will do this by going through code, which will be explained in details. Tutorial Overview: Setup Finding Corners Calibration Undistortion Intro In a last few posts, we have talked about modeling a projection, perspective projection, camera translation and rotation and all of this stuff will be of a great importance for you in…
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CamCal 006 Ideal vs Real Intrinsic Parameters

Highlights: Here, we are going to talk about intrinsic camera calibration. We will present the main difference between ideal and real intrinsic parameters, how to improve them, and how to combine them. Here we will also talk about camera parameters, which will be of great importance for further understanding. Tutorial Overview: Intro Ideal vs Real Intrinsic Parameters Improving Intrinsic Parameters Combining Extrinsic and Intrinsic Calibration Parameters Other Ways Camera Parameters 1. Intro So first, just…
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