Tag: CNN

FR 001 Face Recognition with Celebrities

Highlights: In the world today, there are a lot of visual data and it is important how we utilize and interpret this data. The project is more of an evolution between traditional algorithms and deep learning techniques. How accurately can we predict and find the correct name of the celebrity in a given image or video frame. Tutorial Overview: This post covers the following topics: What is a facial recognition system? Applications of face recognition.…
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#FA 003 Face Detection in Videos using OpenCV

In real case scenarios, there is often a need for detection and recognition of faces not just in images, but in videos. For example, this is a necessary prerequisite for security cameras, filters on social networks, identification at work and many other cases where cameras are used. The pictures are static, but videos can be seen as a series of pictures, or frames. All video clips are constructed of a constant number of frames in…
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#008 TF An implementation of a Convolutional Neural Network in tf.keras – MNIST dataset

In this post we will see how we can classify handwritten digits using convolutional neural network implemented in Keras. Required packages: Numpy Matplotlib Keras Tensorflow Sklearn Seaborn __future__ Keras-vis Table of Contents: Load the digit dataset Implementing a Neural Network Visualization Test our model Save a model as picture Activation Maps Saliency maps Activations Now we can plot some predictions, to see how our model works. Images for testing can be downloaded from the internet…
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#027 CNN Non-Max Suppression algorithm

Non-Max Suppression In this post, we will learn how the non-max suppression algorithm allows us to overcome multiple detections of the same object in an image. Let’s go through an example! Let’s say we want to detect pedestrians, cars, and motorcycles in this image. If we look at the picture above we can see that there are two cars. Each of these two cars has one midpoint so it should be assigned to just one…
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025 CNN Bounding Box Predictions

#025 CNN Bounding Box Predictions

Bounding box predictions In the last post, we learned how to use a convolutional implementation of sliding windows. That’s more computationally efficient, but it still has a problem of not outputting the most accurate bounding boxes.  In this post, we will see how we can obtain more accurate predictions of bounding boxes.  Output accurate bounding boxes With sliding windows, we take the sets of windows that we move throughout the image and we obtain a set of sliding…
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