If you are hesitating to start your Data Science journey, then this book is for you!
This handbook was designed for beginners.
We guarantee that you will love it, and NO we will not return your money 😄
Joke aside, this book resulted as a process of teaching Machine Learning and Data Science to thousands of students from 2012.-2020. at KU Leuven, Belgium, and Singidunum University, Belgrade.
So, I do hope that I have managed to create a script that was tested numerous times in PC classrooms and during various Data Science Bootcamps.
Let’s keep a secret between us?
Here is a free chapter from the handbook, so that you get a feeling of how good the book really is.Â
Structure of the handbook
The handbook is split into 7 chapters. There is an easy-to-read theory introduction followed by Python code. You will learn the fundamentals of:
- NumPy
- Linear Classifiers
- Linear Regression
- Visual Exploratory Analysis
- kNN Algorithm
- Introduction to Series
- Introduction to Pandas

Why is it called Sprint?
I always wanted to keep my lectures interesting and not to bore students with unrelated material. My motto was “Learning by Doing”. This is an optimized handbook that will help you to quickly grasp the essence of Data Science / Machine Learning. Many other professors after I have left Academia are still using this handbook and I also hope that you will love it as well.
We guarantee that you will be well equipped to confidently continue your journey in Data Science after mastering the first steps! As the proverb says, a journey of 1000 written scripts starts with the 7 hours sprint to Data Science!
Invest in your knowledge and time wisely, and therefore, choose sprints!
Sincerely, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Matić.